Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I was given a wonderful poem that I use to remind myself to simply "be" in the moment and let the doing come out of my "being."

A Taste of Mindfullness
Have you ever had the experience of
stopping so completely,
Of being in your body, so completely.
Of being in your life so completely,
That what you knew and what you didn’t know, that what had been and what was yet to come.
And the way things are right now, no longer held even the slightest hint of anxiety or discord.
A moment of complete presence, beyond striving, beyond mere acceptance.
Beyond the desire to escape or fix anything, or plunge ahead.
A moment of pure being.
No longer in time, a moment of pure seeing, pure feeling. A moment when life simply IS.
And the ISNESS grabs you by all your senses, all your memories.
By your very genes, by your loves,
and welcomes you HOME.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yoga In Wisconsin - Season 2 Intro

The New Season of Yoga in Wisconsin has Started!

Hi Everyone!
The new season of Yoga in Wisconsin started this last week at it's new time of 6:30 am Tuesday morning on myNew32. We redesigned the intro and we are really excited about the new locations we are shooting at. We just wrapped filming at the Michell Park Conservatory, the Domes,  in Milwaukee Wis. And the footage turned out great. 

Next week is at the Fairfield Center for Contemporary Art, in Sturgeon Bay, WI at the ReMyth Exhibition, a show done by David F. Starr, Producer and Co-creator of YIW. 
Take a moment to honor yourself.