Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yoga & Live Music with Sarah Starr and MahaRa!!

”Have you ever practiced yoga with
Live music?” Get your groove on as we move, breathe and
unwind our way through Creative Vinyasa Flow with Sarah Starr and
Mahara LIVE!! Allow the vibrations to recharge, rejuvenate and
remember the joy of freedom in your body! Are you ready to spice up
your practice? Sarah Starr will lead you through creative asana
sequencing, integrate dynamic variations on Sun Salutations and fun
transitions to challenge your core, moving to the beat of the
conscious musical rhythms of Mahara!
This lighthearted evening is geared towards both beginning and
experienced yogi's. Come CELEBRATE Lisa, refresh your spirit in
music, Yoga and laughter!

Location: Heaven Meets Earth Yoga Studio & Center for
Conscious Living 2746 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201

Date: Friday, November 16th | 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Fee: Single $35 pre-registered and $45 after November 9th

Contact: Lisa at 847-475-1500
or sign up online at

Living A Life Outside the Box

What would it be like to step out of your comfort zone and follow your knowing into new possibilities for an evolving, authentic life? Even if you’re happy and healthy, we are all drawn to new discoveries and expansion. Join me as we increase your capacity to receive more of you and unravel the limiting belief patterns, fears and judgements that keep you from choosing infinite possibilities! Are you ready to jump out of the box?
Date: Monday December 3rd
Cost : 25$
Location: Evolve Yoga and Wellness Center 1541 Bellevue Street, Green Bay, WI
Cost: $25 per person

Contact Krissy at (920) 819-8650 or 

Register at :

Access Bars Class with Sarah Starr

Do you remember moments in your life when you felt totally relaxed, nurtured and cared for?

What are The Bars?

The Bars is the first class in Access Consciousness, a dynamic sets of tools and information designed to transform any area of your life.

In this one day experiential Bars class you will learn the 32 points on the head which, when gently held/touched, activates the discharge of magnetically stored patterns of limitation. These points when triggered, release the magnetic imprinting of programmed thoughts, feelings and emotions, as well as judgments and limiting points of view that do not serve you.

Experience both receiving and running the Bars on other class participants.

Leave with a manual and chart of the 32-points. Upon taking this class once you will be equipped to confidently run the Bars on another person. Repeating the class twice more, with 2 different instructors, qualifies you as a Bars Facilitator.

The Bars has assisted thousands of people change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more!

How much joy and ease can your life and living be?

Feel free to contact me with any questions, I'd love to hear from you!

Pre-requisites: None
Facilitator: Sarah Starr
Date: Nov 10th
Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm 

Location:Evolve Yoga and Wellness Studio 1541 Bellevue Street Green Bay WI

Cost: $200 First Time; $100 Repeat within 12 Months 

Register at:

Creating a New Body Image Inside Presence

Are you ready to let go of all the judgments you have about your body? Imagine what it would be like to enjoy your body, no matter what it looked like, it’s weight, age or shape. 

Let’s uncover and release the patterns and habits where you feel limited so you can create a new IMAGE for you and your body! There are so many creative ideas and possibilities you and your body can enjoy and have FUN with, join me as we create a new relationship with your body!!

CAUTION: You may have more ease, more fun, remarkable peace, better self esteem and an unmistakable glow about you after this workshop! 

Date: Monday, November 12th

Location: Evolve Yoga and Wellness Center
             1541 Bellevue Street
             Green Bay, WI

Cost: $25 per person

Contact Krissy at (920) 819-8650 or 

Register at :

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Creating New Possibilities For You and Your Body at Heaven Meets Earth Yoga Studio

Join me for more ease and joyful movement at Heaven Meets Earth Yoga Studio in Evanston, Illinois! Check out the details below...

"Breathing Peace, Navigating Through Stress Gracefully" 
Saturday, October 13th
11:00 - 1:00

Conscious regulation of the breath is the single most effective relaxation technique to flow through stress. This workshop focuses on mindful breathing practices that are calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders. "Breathing Peace" is a wonderful resource for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and vitality through conscious breathing. Take time to experience the master key to health and longevity as we use the breath to navigate through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully.

"Gentle Chair Yoga Playshop"
October 13th
2 - 4pm

Are you a yoga teacher who'd like to expand your teaching to benefit more students? Maybe you're interested in beginning a yoga practice and not sure where to begin? Chair yoga offers you the ability to improve your health through an amazing form of creative and adaptive exercise.

Did you know that almost all yoga poses can be modified for the chair? People with disabilities, injuries, weight challenges or inflexibility, can all benefit from yoga with a chair. The chair replaces the yoga mat and becomes an extension of your body allowing you to take advantage of yoga's benefits, relaxing your body and mind, boosting your musculature fitness and flexibility, and improving your overall well-being.

Teachers of yoga and students alike will gain knowledge of using props to create a well balanced practice from a chair. What you learn in this workshop can be applied to mini yoga breaks at work, a long plane ride, or any time you need to balance the mind, increase blood flow and boost your energy.

What would it feel like to totally nurture and honor your body? Enjoy learning a yoga practice that is invigorating, fun, and accessible, but most of all, effective!

"Balance, Core & More Vinyasa Flow with Sarah Starr"
Sunday, October 14th
9 - 11 am

Juice up your practice as we focus on creative asana sequencing, integrate dynamic variations on Sun Salutations, fun transitions and new possibilities for the core! This lighthearted workshop is geared towards both beginning and experienced yogi's. Explore the foundation of balancing and the playful mindset needed to maintain balance, on and off the mat. Beginners will learn how to enter balance poses, demystifying even the most challenging of balance postures, taking these step by step tips back into your regular practice with playful confidence!

This practice will teach your body the mechanics and leverage of arm balances with greater mindfulness and ease as you learn how to incorporate a strong core into your practice with playful and unique conditioning... Come with an open mind and refresh your spirit in play, sweat and laughter!

Location: Heaven Meets Earth Yoga Studio & Center for Conscious Living 2746 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201

Time: Saturday 11:oo am - 4pm and Sunday 9 - 11am

Date: October 13th -14th

Fee: Single workshop $35 pre-registered and $45 after October 11th

Contact information: Lisa at 847-475-1500
or sign up online at

Sunday, September 16, 2012

11:00- 1:00 "Breathing Peace, Navigating Through Stress Gracefully"

Conscious regulation of the breath is the single most effective relaxation technique to flow through stress. This workshop focuses on mindful breathing practices that are calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders. "Breathing Peace" is a wonderful resource for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and vitality through conscious breathing. Take time to experience the master key to health and longevity as we use the breath to navigate through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully.

2- 4 pm Gentle Chair Yoga

Are you a yoga teacher who'd like to expand your teaching to benefit more students? Maybe you're interested in beginning a yoga practice and not sure where to begin? Chair yoga offers you the ability to improve your health through an amazing form of creative and adaptive exercise.

Did you know that almost all yoga poses can be modified for the chair? People with disabilities, injuries, weight challenges or inflexibility, can all benefit from yoga with a chair. The chair replaces the yoga mat and becomes an extension of your body allowing you to take advantage of yoga’s benefits, relaxing your body and mind, boosting your musculature fitness and flexibility, and improving your overall well-being.

Teachers of yoga and students alike will gain knowledge of using props to create a well balanced practice from a chair. What you learn in this workshop can be applied to mini yoga breaks at work, a long plane ride, or any time you need to balance the mind, increase blood flow and boost your energy.

What would it feel like to totally nurture and honor your body? Enjoy learning a yoga practice that is invigorating, fun, and accessible, but most of all, effective!

Sunday October 14th
9-11 am Balance, Core & More_Vinyasa Flow with Sarah Starr

Juice up your practice as we focus on creative asana sequencing, integrate dynamic variations on Sun Salutations, fun transitions and new possibilities for the core! This lighthearted workshop is geared towards both beginning and experienced yogi's. Explore the foundation of balancing and the playful mindset needed to maintain balance, on and off the mat.

Beginners will learn how to enter balance poses, demystifying even the most challenging of balance postures, taking these step by step tips back into your regular practice with playful confidence! This practice will teach your body the mechanics and leverage of arm balances with greater mindfulness and ease as you learn how to incorporate a strong core into your practice with playful and unique conditioning... Come with an open mind and refresh your spirit in play, sweat and laughter!

Location: Heaven Meets Earth Yoga Studio & Center for Conscious Living
2746 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201
Time: Saturday, 11:oo am - 4pm Sunday, 9 -11am.
Date: Saturday, October 13th -14th
Fee:  Single workshop $35 pre-registered and $45 after October 10th
Contact information: Lisa at 847-475-1500
or sign up online at

**Sarah will also be offering bars sessions, Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Call 920-255-2373 for any questions or to make your appointment

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Check out the New Fall Schedule at Evolve Yoga and Wellness Center

"Breathing Peace_Navigating Through Stress Gracefully" with Sarah Starr

Conscious regulation of the breath is the single most effective relaxation technique to flow through stress. This workshop focuses on mindful breathing practices that are calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders. "Breathing Peace" is a wonderful resource for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and vitality through conscious breathing. Take time to experience the master key to health and longevity as we use the breath to navigate through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully.

Location: Evolve Yoga and Wellness Center 1541 Bellevue St. #1 Green bay WI 54311
Date: Monday, September 24th
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Fee: $25
Contact: Krissy at 1 (920) 819-8650 or email at

 Accessing Mindfulness with Sarah Starr

Imagine letting go of your judgment of anything, living in just awareness. And start to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be or what you think it should be. This gathering is dedicated to experiencing the practical steps of "Living Every Day Mindfulness" as we explore the miracle that happens when you say "Yes" to what is. The teachings all point to the same thing: of being one with your life, allowing a sense of ease, appreciation and joy to emanate in your heart. Join us as we practice techniques to transition from a life of mind chatter and worry to a life created from awareness, filled with possibilities and invitations to play!

Location: Evolve Yoga and Wellness Center 1541 Bellevue St. #1 Green bay WI 54311
Date: Monday October 1st
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Fee: $25
Contact: Krissy at 1 (920) 819-8650 or email at 
register online:

Access Consciousness The Bars with Sarah Starr

 Do you remember moments in your life when you felt totally relaxed, nurtured and cared for?

The Bars is an energetic body process that contains 32 different points on your head that when run, assist you in releasing decisions about any area of your life that you have made solid and as a result, cannot change. The Bars is the first class in Access Consciousness, a dynamic sets of tools and information designed to transform any area of your life. The Bars has assisted thousands of people change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more! At worst you will feel like you have just had a fantastic massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. Receiving or learning The Bars will allow this and so much more to show up for you!

Would you like to be the invitation for something greater in your own life as well as those around you?

Is it time to try something different?

These are just a few questions for you to ponder and bask in the expansiveness of the possibilities that await you!

Feel free to call Sarah Starr at 920-255-2373 or email with any questions you have!

Location: Evolve Yoga and Wellness Center 1541 Bellevue St. #1 Green bay WI 54311
Date:  Saturday, October 20th
Time: 10:00 - 6:00 pm
* Please pre-register since space and seating is limited
For all the details and to register please visit:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Download 4 *FREE* audio Yoga classes and enjoy 2 "Happy Yoga with Sarah Starr" videos for your viewing fun!

How much ease and freedom of movement are ready to create in your beautiful body today?

If you subscribe, enjoy the entire back catalog of over 30+ downloadable audios, added to weekly and over 20 Happy Yoga episodes to view for your use!  

How much more energy are you and your body ready to receive? 

Imagine moving your body with more freedom and ease?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Creating New Possibilities For Your Body

 11- 1pm CORE Potential with Sarah Starr

Learn how to "amp up" your CORE practice! Whether a teacher or student, learn unique CORE exercises with advanced explanations for use in your classes or individual practice. Access the deepest part of your CORE and awaken its euphoric potential! Fun and challenging, Ill guide you thru unique core exercises, pranayama and a dynamic vinyasa flow with focused attention on abdominal contractions, twisting and balance, igniting a creative core practice from within.

*Whether a yoga teacher seeking to expand your offerings or a student looking to create more CORE awareness, experience an in depth understanding of where your core muscles are located focusing on the relationship between the pelvic floor, hip flexors and the abdominal center in plenty of creative ways.

 Are you ready to generate new possibilities for your body? Join Sarah to awaken your core and allow for more freedom and movement in your practice than you ever thought possible!

2- 4 pm Gentle Chair Yoga
Are you a yoga teacher who'd like to expand your teaching to benefit more students? Maybe you're interested in beginning a yoga practice and not sure where to begin? Chair yoga offers you the ability to improve your health through an amazing form of creative and adaptive exercise.

Did you know that almost all yoga poses can be modified for the chair? People with disabilities, injuries, weight challenges or inflexibility, can all benefit from yoga with a chair. The chair replaces the yoga mat and becomes an extension of your body allowing you to take advantage of yoga’s benefits, relaxing your body and mind, boosting your musculature fitness and flexibility, and improving your overall well-being.

Teachers of yoga and students alike will gain knowledge of using props to create a well balanced practice from a chair. What you learn in this workshop can be applied to mini yoga breaks at work, a long plane ride, or any time you need to balance the mind, increase blood flow and boost your energy.

What would it feel like to totally nurture and honor your body? Enjoy learning a yoga practice that is invigorating, fun, and accessible, but most of all, effective!

Location: Heaven Meets Earth Yoga Studio & Center for Conscious Living
 2746 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201
Time: 11:oo am - 4pm
Date: Saturday, August 25th
Fee:  Single workshop $35 pre-registered and $45 after August 22nd
Contact information: Lisa at 847-475-1500
or sign up online at

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Happy Yoga Joins the 8th Annual Lightworkers Midwest Conference

Join me at the high energy inspirational conference for the purpose of moving humanity forward. Amazing key note speakers, and presentations- from Quantum Healing to astounding archaeological discoveries! 

SEPTEMBER 21, 22, AND 23

Please visit their website for registration and additional information.

Feel free to share with all your friends!!! 

P.S. Mention Sarah Starr when you purchase your tickets before the end of August and receive the early bird special!!! Yipeeeeee!

Check out Happy Yoga's Newest Chair Yoga Video

Bask and breathe in the gorgeous sunset amongst a brilliant sunflower backdrop as you experience a well balanced modified yoga session using a chair to support your posture. "Happy Yoga with Sarah Starr Gentle Chair Yoga" includes gentle movement for all your major muscles, beginning with shoulder and neck stretches, moving into hip openers, hamstring stretches, heart openers and forward bends to free the muscles of the back, gentle twists to increase circulation to internal organs, ending with a relaxing guided meditation.

Apply these techniques for mini yoga breaks at work, a long plane ride, or any other time you need to balance the mind, increase blood flow and boost your energy. Enjoy a yoga practice that is invigorating, fun, and accessible, but most of all, effective.

As an added bonus, enjoy a 12 minute "Butterfly Garden Meditation Video" designed to inspire a sense of greater well being as we highlight the beauty of Mother Nature. Sarah Starr will guide you through a step-by-step practice of mindfulness using the breath to create calm, connecting the body, mind and breath, expanding the energy beyond and outward into the world, allowing you to feel the oneness of all of life.

To purchase this video visit:

Accessing Mindfulness with Sarah Starr

Imagine letting go of your judgment of anything, living in just awareness. What if you could start to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be or what you think it should be? This gathering is dedicated to experiencing the practical steps of "Living Every Day Mindfulness" as we explore the miracle that happens when you say "Yes" to what is. The teachings all point to the same thing: of being one with your life, allowing a sense of ease, appreciation and joy to emanate in your heart. Join us as we practice techniques to transition from a life of mind chatter and worry to a life created from awareness, filled with possibilities and invitations to play!

Location: Bay Area Yoga Center 2020 S. Webster Ave.Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301

Date: Monday August 6th

Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm

Cost $20
Please RSVP to reserve your space at:
1 (920) 445-7221 or email

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Take Flight - Shifting Our Perspective

Experience a fun and fresh approach to yoga! This lighthearted workshop is geared towards both beginning and experienced yogi's. Explore the foundation of balancing and the playful mindset needed to maintain balance, on and off the mat.Tap into your hidden potential as you enjoy an efficient and thorough sequence of poses to shift your vantage point, creating more composure and acceptance in every moment. Beginners will learn how to enter balance poses, demystifying even the most challenging of balance postures, taking these step by step tips back into your regular practice with playful confidence!

Location: Evolve Yoga & Wellness 1514 Bellevue St #1 
                Green Bay, WI 54311
Date:        Tuesday, June 5th 
Time:       5:30 - 7:30 
Cost:        $25 
Contact:   Krissy at 920-819-8650      

Accessing Mindfulness Through The Breath June

Monday, March 12, 2012

Check out the Updated Spring Schedule!

Embracing Your Spirit Through The Breath

As we become more aware of our body, learning to listen to the body's feedback, we're more easily able to calm the mind in an upset moment, tap into our intuition, take time to be playful and end up becoming the type of person that we all love to be around... even bring improved health into our experience as we learn to relax and breathe through stress! Join me as we practice techniques to transition from a life of mind chatter and worry to a life created from the heart, filled with opportunities, serendipity and invitations to play.

Location: The Beacon House, 430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay WI
Date: Tuesday April 10th
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Cost: $15.00
Contact: Chris Seidl 676-1146

*Seating is limited so please pre-register by April 6th

Accessing Mindfulness Through the Breath

How would you like to create more fulfilling relationships, physical well being,
mental clarity, joyful parenting and a productive work place? This gathering is
dedicated to experiencing the practical steps of “Living Every Day
Mindfulness" as we explore the miracle that happens when you say "Yes" to
what is. The focus is on meditation techniques, breathing practices and
dialogue to open your life to new possibilities. Join me as we practice
techniques to transition from a life of mind chatter and worry to a life created
from the heart, filled with opportunities, serendipity and invitations to play.

Location: The Beacon House, 430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay WI
Date: Tuesday May 8th
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Cost: $15.00
Contact: Chris Seidl 676-1146

*Seating is limited so please pre-register by May 1st

"Breathing Peace Inside The Power of Now" with Sarah Starr

5:30 - 6:30_"Breathing Peace_Navigating Through Stress Gracefully"_Conscious regulation of the breath is the single most effective relaxation technique to flow through stress. This workshop focuses on mindful breathing practices that are calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders. "Breathing Peace" is a wonderful resource for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and vitality through conscious breathing. Take time to experience the master key to health and longevity as we use the breath to navigate through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully.

6:30 - 7:30_"Power of Now_The Art of Living Every Day Mindfulness"_ Are you ready to start creating fulfilling relationships, physical well being, mental clarity, joyful parenting and a productive work place? This gathering is dedicated to experiencing the practical steps of “Living Every Day Mindfulness" as we explore the miracle that happens when you say "Yes" to what is. The teachings all point to the same thing: of being one with your life, allowing a sense of ease, appreciation and joy to emanate in your heart. The focus is on meditation techniques, breathing practices and group mindfulness experiments to bring awareness to your mind, body and breath. Starr teaches to allow yourself to bring joy and acceptance to all that you do, as you immerse yourself in the moment.

Location: ZPower Yoga Studio, 522 George St. De Pere, WI 54115
Date: Tuesday May 15th
Time: 5:30 - 7:30
Contact: Sarah Starr: or
Krissy Zeggers: phone # 920-819-8650 or

*Seating is limited so please pre-register by May 8th

Wise Women Gathering Place, Green Bay WI
Saturday May 19th

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mind Full or Mindful | Practice Presence with "One Minute Mindfulness"

Enjoy the benefits of meditation in one minute! Choose a mindfulness exercise to suit your needs in the moment.

This app includes three one minute mindfulness exercises that allow you to...

• Breathe properly and effectively to reduce fatigue, creating mental clarity

• Use your breath to release internal tension and stress

• Learn to bring your emotions under conscious control and shift your mood, creating a healthy mental and physical body

“Accessing Mindfulness Through the Breath” with Sarah Starr

How would you like to create more fulfilling relationships, physical well being, mental clarity, joyful parenting and a productive work place?

This gathering is dedicated to experiencing the practical steps of “Living Every Day Mindfulness" as we explore the miracle that happens when you say "Yes" to what is.

The focus is on meditation techniques, breathing practices and dialogue to open your life to new possibilities.

Join me as we practice techniques to transition from a life of mind chatter and worry to a life created from the heart, filled with opportunities, serendipity and invitations to play.

Location: The Flowing Spirit Wellness Center
812 S. Fisk Street Suite 109, Green Bay WI
Date: Monday, March 26, 2012
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Cost: $15.00

Contact: Etienne Pait 920-819-2818 or Sarah Starr 920-255-2373
e-mail: or

***Please register by March 23, 2012 since seating is limited:)

Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body and Spirit March 17th

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Join in the fun events this February

"Navigating Through Stress Gracefully with Sarah Starr"

Join me February 16th as we laugh, breathe and open to new possibilities together!

"Navigating Through Stress Gracefully" is a wonderful resource
for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and
vitality through conscious breathing. Take time to experience
the master key to health as we use the breath to navigate
through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully.

Conscious regulation of the breath is the single most effective relaxation technique to flow through stress. This workshop focuses on mindful breathing practices that are calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.

Location: The Flowing Spirit Wellness Center
812 S. Fisk Street Suite 109, Green Bay WI
Date: Thursday, Febrary 16th
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Cost: $15.00
Contact: Etienne Pait 920-819-2818 or Sarah Starr 920-255-2373
e-mail: or
***Please register by February 14th since seating is limited:)

Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body and Spirit Through Breath, Sound and Vibrations with Carmen Escamea and Sarah Starr

Take time to learn to breathe in a natural healthy way, helping with various medical conditions including: insomnia, low energy, high blood pressure and so on. Sarah Starr will help you to use your breath and connect to your heart energy to navigate through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully. This is a wonderful resource for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and vitality through the breath.

2:00 - 4:00
Enjoy a unique and energizing opportunity to experience the joy and power of community drumming. Participants in these exciting community drum experiences feel refreshed, revitalized and rejuvenated through encountering the primal rhythms of life. Please feel free to bring any extra drums or percussion and yes, participate in the creation of joyful energy!

Location: 2788 Manitowoc Road GB, Wi. 54311
Date: Saturday Feb 18th
Fee $15
Contact: Carmen Escamea 920-217-2318 or Sarah Starr 920-255-2373
Email: or

Please pre-register since seating is limited:)

Accessing Mindfulness Through the Breath with Sarah Starr

How would you like to create more fulfilling relationships, physical well being,
mental clarity, joyful parenting and a productive work place? This gathering is
dedicated to experiencing the practical steps of “Living Every Day
Mindfulness" as we explore the miracle that happens when you say "Yes" to
what is. The focus is on meditation techniques, breathing practices and
dialogue to open your life to new possibilities. Join me as we practice
techniques to transition from a life of mind chatter and worry to a life created
from the heart, filled with opportunities, serendipity and invitations to play.

Location: The Beacon House, 430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay WI
Date: Tuesday Feb. 21st
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Cost: $15.00
Contact: Chris Seidl 676-1146
*Seating is limited so please pre-register by Feb 16th

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Breathe and Enjoy the Fun Testimonials

Check out what people are saying and join in the fun!

"Navigating Through Stress Gracefully"

Join me this January 26th as we laugh, breathe and open to new possibilities together!

"Navigating Through Stress Gracefully" is a wonderful resource
for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and
vitality through conscious breathing. Take time to experience
the master key to health as we use the breath to navigate
through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully.

Conscious regulation of the breath is the single most effective relaxation technique to flow through stress. This workshop focuses on mindful breathing practices that are calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.

Location: The Flowing Spirit Wellness Center
812 S. Fisk Street Suite 109, Green Bay WI
Date: Thursday, January 26th
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Cost: $15.00
Contact: Etienne Pait 920-819-2818 or Sarah Starr 920-255-2373
e-mail: or

Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Navigating Through Stress Gracefully"

Join me this January 26th as we laugh, breathe and open to new possibilities together!

"Navigating Through Stress Gracefully" is a wonderful resource
for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and
vitality through conscious breathing. Take time to experience
the master key to health as we use the breath to navigate
through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully.

Conscious regulation of the breath is the single most effective relaxation technique to flow through stress. This workshop focuses on mindful breathing practices that are calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.

Location: The Flowing Spirit Wellness Center
812 S. Fisk Street Suite 109, Green Bay WI
Date: Thursday, January 26th
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Cost: $15.00
Contact: Etienne Pait 920-819-2818 or Sarah Starr 920-255-2373
e-mail: or