Breathing Peace
Topic: Improved Health and Coping with Stress
This workshop focuses on learning to breath in a natural healthy way that can help with various medical conditions including: insomnia, low energy, high blood pressure and so on. Breathing properly will also increase our longevity and support our quest for well-being, self-realization and self transformation. Use your breath to navigate through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully. How we breathe reflects who we are and the manner in which we express ourselves-physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This workshop is a wonderful resource for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and vitality through the breath. Breathing also affects our state of mind. It can make us excited or calm, tense or relaxed. There is a definite connection between rate of breathing and either stress or relaxation. It is very hard to be in a complete state of stress if your breathing is slow and deep. It doesn't mean you won't encounter stressful events, but you can certainly let them take less of a physical toll on you even when you are dealing with unavoidable stressful situations by not letting your breathing put you into overload.
Living In The Now
Topic: Personal Growth and Inspiration
Sarah Starr Hosts Living in the Now workshops based on author of The Power of Now and A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle's teachings. These classes help you to create presence in your every-day life. Exploring the miracle that happens when you say "Yes" to what is. The focus is on meditation techniques, breathing practices and group mindfulness experiments to bring awareness to your mind, body and breath. She teaches to allow yourself to bring joy and acceptance to all that you do, as you immerse yourself in the moment.
Put The Joy Back In Life
Topic: People Development
Sarah Starr hosts "Put the Joy Back in Your Life" workshops that help you to awaken the amazing creator that you are. This innovative process combines conversation, meditation and journaling to learn the secret of creating. She focuses on helping you to release limiting blocks to experiencing your creations and awaken to the fact that you already have everything you need to create what you choose. Learning the tools to create optimal health, wealth and joy as we set ourselves up to be powerful and effective in our lives.
Seated Yoga Practice
Gain a new body mind - power that comes from within, leaving you recharged and ready for life off the mat as well. Sarah encourages her students to relax, breath and smile, as they become the watchers of their thoughts, worries and distracting mind dialogue. "If your not having fun, you're not doing Yoga." In this practice, you will be gently guided through a series of stretches and modified yoga poses designed to increase stamina and blood flow, as well as to help with problems that many of us deal with, such as fatigue and stress. Yoga tones the body and clears the mind. Sarah's goal is to remind people to have fun, enjoy the practice and not take one's thoughts too seriously. Our practice begins with breathing exercises to balance the mind and body, goes on into a warm up, gentle yoga poses including a standing segment working with strength and balance and ends with a guided inspirational meditation leaving you to feel focused, calm, energized and empowered.