Presented by Sarah Starr, RYT certified Yoga Instructor
In this practice, you will be gently guided through a series of stretches and modified yoga poses designed to increase stamina and blood flow, as well as to help with problems that many of us deal with, such as fatigue and stress. Yoga tones the body and clears the mind. Sarah's goal is to remind people to have fun, enjoy the practice and not take one's thoughts too seriously. Our practice begins with breathing exercises to balance the mind and body, goes on into a warm up, gentle yoga poses including a standing segment working with strength and balance and ends with a guided inspirational meditation leaving you to feel focused, calm, energized and empowered.
Tues., Jan. 26 / 6:00 – 7:30 p.m......... Bellin Health_West Side Studio, Green Bay WI.
Pre-Registration required..................................... Cost $20
(Minimum 7 people / 20 maximum)
E-Mail or
Sarah Starr_

Breathing Peace
Topic: Improved Health and Coping With Stress
Presented by Sarah Starr, RYT certified Yoga Instructor Use your breath to navigate through troubled times easily, gracefully and masterfully. How we breathe reflects who we are and the manner in which we express ourselves – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This workshop is a wonderful resource for anyone who wishes to improve his or her health and vitality through breath.
Tues., Feb. 23 / 6:00 – 7:30 p.m......... Bellin Health_West Side Studio, Green Bay WI.
Pre-Registration required..................................... Cost $20
(Minimum 7 people / 20 maximum)
Tel (920) 430-4756 Ext. 4901, Jan M.
E-Mail or Sarah Starr_
Bay Area Yoga Center and Yoga Day USA
Saturday, January 23, 2010
9:00 am – noon (schedule to be announced)
Join us for a special day of yoga and fun to raise money and collect food items for those less fortunate then we are. We will be offering back to back yoga, pilates and other classes, meditation sessions and breath classes. The morning will end with a pot luck lunch. All money raised will go to those in need in our community. I will be presenting a "Living in The Now" session for all to en_joy, time to be announced, so come join me for a "wonder_filled" morning!

Balance Body, Mind and Breath Yoga Workshop with Sarah Starr
Spend a day remembering the true goal of yoga;
bringing awareness of the deepest joy and
happiness possible, as it is our true nature- now
and always. Alternate with movement to open the
body thru yoga, meditation practice, breathing
techniques to create optimal health and group
mindfulness exercises.
11:00- 1:00 -Integrate yoga and breathing techniques as we practice using
conscious intention to move beyond limiting beliefs and blocks in the physical,
mental and emotional body. Breathing exercises to balance the mind and body,
warm up, gentle yoga poses including a standing segment working with strength
and balance, back bends, hip openers and twists to create calm, ending with a
guided inspirational “Invoking Joy Mediation” leaving you to feel focused,
energized and empowered.
• 1:00- 1:45- lunch break
• 1:45- 3:00- Integrate and focus on the grace of living in the NOW, based on the
teachings of Eckhart Tolle and The Power of Now. This segment opens up a new
understanding of awareness and truth by connecting to the wisdom within us,
bringing that wisdom into our daily lives.
• 3:00- 4:30- Transform Your Life from the Inside Out. This innovative process
combines conversation, meditation and journaling to find and discover your own
internal abundance of joy, health and prosperity. Sarah will help you to find the
source of your own troublesome internal blocks... and help release them. Learn
the tools and practices that will allow you to visualize and create your dreams.
Location: Bay Area Yoga Center
2020 S. Webster Avenue
Green Bay, Wis.
Date: Saturday, February 20th
Time: 11:00 am.-4:30 pm.
Cost: $60.00
Contact: Sarah Starr @ 920-255-2373
Ongoing Classes
Location: Knutson Hall, Algoma Wisconsin
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm.
Fee: $8

Private Sessions with Sarah Starr:
$65 per hour
(Additional $15 per person, per hour up to six students)
In home private session $100 per hour
(Additional $15 per person, per hour up to six students)